

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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I got a few pats on the back for my "check your files" post. Chris Meiklejohn, our lab manager, liked it so much that she wanted a sequel. In fact she wrote one! The funny thing was my team mates had already got me one started on a follow-up, and the things on Chris' list were pretty much the same as ours. So, drum roll… (If you like this, I wrote it. Otherwise, it's Chris!) 8 ways to better print files Would you love to have your albums arrive on your doorstep faster, hassle-free, and beautifully printed? You put a lot of work into them, so they might as well be perfect. We definitely want To View More >>

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Improved image uploading is probably the biggest deal in this release of Queensberry Workspace, but have a play and judge for yourself. It’s free to try! Uploading Workspace now has six image uploaders for you to choose from – two web-based and four desktop uploaders. Pick one to suit your workflow. The upload window shows them all, including the links and instructions you'll need to use them. You can upload to existing events and collections or create new ones on the fly. One of the web uploaders is slower than the other, but more robust if your internet connection isn't the best. You can To View More >>

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In 1981, I was on a fishing boat chugging from Tulagi to Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, taking the Asian Development Bank auditor to catch his plane. He said to me, “Have you heard of a company called Apple?” Ah, no. “They could change your life”, he said. “Anybody can have a computer now, and just imagine what it could do in your warehouse.” Back then, managing a boat yard in the Solomons involved importing everything from hammers and nails, and nuts and bolts, to the Caterpillar engines that drove the ten tuna pole and line catcher boats we were building. Our warehouse was a To View More >>

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Here's my second handy hint about file management. Don't muck about with your hi res files outside Photojunction after they've been imported. The key words there are outside Photojunction. If you want to keep the software smiling, they're important. It means you need to think about when and how you copy image files, and when you are going to do your artwork. Here are three alternative scenarios, which all keep PJ happy if used properly: 1. Do art work on your images before importing them. This is so you can import one set of finished files without lots of extra images, sub-folders etc to confuse To View More >>

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It's not all bad out there you know! There are plenty of people doing better than ever, even considering the recession. So over the next few weeks we're bringing you a series of interviews with clients who are doing just great. We'll share their advice, ideas and opinions as they give us some insights into how they're successfully running their businesses. Here's the first. He's been recognised as one of the world's best photographers, serviced clients like the New York Times and Apple Computer, photographed celebrities such as Alec Baldwin, Amanda Peet, Isabella Rosselini and Donald Trump,  regularly To View More >>

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